In the arts and crafts class, your friend Mina suffered a minor cut in her finger but didn't make a big deal out of it. Later she was in pain and found her finger to be swollen with pus oozing out from it. What would you do to relieve Mina from her pain and treat her finger? Which kind of chemical o...

Challenge - 2 (Peanuts) You and your friend Kumkum are eating peanuts. All of a sudden kumkum starts sneezing, develops a red eye and red patches appear on her skin. but you weren't affected. Now, how would you help your friend? Which chemical or medicine can be useful here. Create artifacts whic...

We have created a animation(cartoon) short video giving us knowledge about first aid. We considered a cartoon "Ramu" and the whole story are around the case of his fever, and there where no any doctor or medical support are available at that moment. Then a day his (Ramu's) friend visited his home to...

You and your family are on a tour in Egypt and have gone to see the famous pyramid of cairo. While there , your travel guide tells that the dead bodies of the Pharaohs were treated with salt. Why do you think this was done? Create artifacts to explain the problem with a suitable solution. What are t...