We have created a animation(cartoon) short video giving us knowledge about first aid. We considered a cartoon "Ramu" and the whole story are around the case of his fever, and there where no any doctor or medical support are available at that moment. Then a day his (Ramu's) friend visited his home to meet with him. But he know that's the all matter from his daughter. And then he suggested to Ramu's daughter to give him paracetamol. What is paracetamol is properly explained in our project... Thanking you.

Roshan Choudhary Subham pandey 
FeverOfRAMU FeverOfRAMU FeverOfRAMU  RoleofParacetamol  CalpolTeblets  ReasonBehindIt  Cost  Formula&Structure  SideEffect&EffectofOverdose 
Uploaded By
Shobhit Kumar Singh.
Khanna High School
Class : XII
Subject : Chemistry
Language : English
Topic : Chemistry in Everyday Life
Total Liked : 0