About Health information.
• TISS does not take responsibility of the Project content quality uploaded by student
• Personally identifiable information and account activity are also protected through the use of usernames and passwords. In order to help maintain the security of your information, you should protect the confidentiality of your user name and password
• Personally identifiable information and account activity are also protected through the use of usernames and passwords. In order to help maintain the security of your information, you should protect the confidentiality of your user name and password
• We do not ask you any information which may be sensitive
• Do not enter any sensitive information like Credit card details pin number etc
• We do not use your information for any kind of commercial activity. We only store some of your personal information like Name, contact info, School, Age, Class
• Your uploaded artefacts may be used for research purpose while your name will be kept anonymous
• Any complain and suggestion or feedback should be sent to the following email address. support@leap21stcentury.org
The purpose of this LeaP (Learners as Producers) Portal is to provide a common learning space for students and teachers to share & showcase technology enabled artifacts from various parts of the country.
This portal also gives opportunity for students to participate in various online events , competitions, webinar, LeaP-Quests etc.
The data stored on the portal will mainly be used for communcation purposes regarding any events, competitions, etc and will not be given to any third party for whastoever purpose.
Joining Link: http://tiss.zoom.us/j/99053557366
Starts 11:30 am (Please Join by 11:15 to avoid rush)