31-10-2022 To 05-11-2022
Welcome to the "TELTA-21 Computational Thinking Camp".
This is the 11th Camp and 2nd Inter-School Camp with Students from Schools of M-Ward Mumbai.
This Camp is aimed to provide students of grade 6 to 9 with the opportunity to have hands-on session with Robotic Kits and Programming tools which will enable them to:
1. Identify Problems in Real life or Surroundings that can be solved using Technology
2. Decompose the problem into solvable Sub-Problems
3. Work in in groups and create / design solutions
4. Create Prototypes / Model of the proposed Solutions.
5. Present / Showcase their solutions / Ideas.
Students can select from list of problems/challenges based on their class from the given below links. Student can also identify any real-life problem that they would like work on in this camp and create a prototype of the solution for the same. The links below gvies access to the list of problems based on the classes. Click on the respctive class.
TELTA-21 Project is implmented by CETE, TISS and Supported by Capgemini