08-02-2022 To 12-02-2022



Introduction to LeaP-Quest "Understanding and Appreciating The Constitution of India"

The Constitution of India is the lengthiest constitution in the world. Different features of our constitution are borrowed from different constitutions across the world. The constitution being the supreme law lays down the framework for governance of a country. It protects the rights of the people.

This LeaP-Quest will enable students of class VII to XII to: 

  1. Be aware of basic principles of the Indian Constitution.
  2. Identify the situation in real life where principals of constitution were at work or violated.
  3. Exercise their constitutional rights.
  4. Explore how a bill becomes an act.
Task of the LeaP-Quest (Select any one)

Task - 1

Suppose you are an NGO worker in a village working for child rights. You get to hear stories of children not getting their educational rights and being employed as forced labour and in factories. Childrens are not very well aware of the fundamental right which could support them in these situation: 

Create a Digital story / Flyers / Game to circulate among those children and make them aware about their rights as per the constitution of India. You can use the following steps as guidelines:

Step 1: Search from the web about Article 21A, Article 23 and Article 24 of the Indian Constitution.

Step 2: Try to relate with the situation given above and note down the rights that the children should be aware of.

Step 3: Create a digital story / Comic / Flyer / Game and use characters /pictures/ dialogue to design your story / game. Please note that your creation will be used by students, teachers, parents and others, so keep it simple, attractive and concise.


You can install the constitution app to see any of the above articles. 


Article 21A: https://www.latestlaws.com/bare-acts/central-acts-rules/coi-article-21a-right-to-education

Article 23: https://www.constitutionofindia.net/constitution_of_india/fundamental_rights/articles/Article%2023

Article 24: https://www.constitutionofindia.net/constitution_of_india/25/articles/Article%2024

Login to ITE portal  and upload your  Project by clicking here

Learn how to upload

(Make sure you select Subject as Social Science and topic as "Constitution of India")

Suggested ICT applications but not limited to:

• Scratch

• Animaker

• Comic App

• Presentation

Task - 2

As you know that our constitution provides fundamental rights to the people and also it talks about fundamental duties  as our moral obligation as a good citizen. Since Fundamental rights are very much essential for all of us for a dignified life and Fundamental duties can help to ensure a responsible role as citizens. 

As Many people are not aware of their fundamental rights and duties so you need to research in depth about fundamental rights & duties and also create awareness among people about their fundamental rights & duties and do the same you can create a quiz. You can use the steps below to create a good quiz.

Step 1: Do an internet search for a list of Fundamental Rights & Duties.

Step 2: Select any of the Fundamental Right & Duty that you want to research on.

Step 3: Do research on the selected right or duty. 

Step 4: Highlight the Points that the selected right or duty talks about.

Step 5: Based on your research create 5-10 MCQ Questions. Please note that questions should use analytical skills to answer rather than memory.

Step 6: Use Google Form or quiz-maker.com / Scratch to create a quiz on the same.

Step 7: Share the Quiz with your parents friends and other family members and analyze their responses 

Fundamental Rights and Fundamental Duties (https://nios.ac.in/media/documents/secsocscicour/english/lesson-16.pdf)

Login to ITE portal  upload your Solution or Project by clicking here

(Make sure you select Subject as Social Science and topic as "Constitution of India")

Suggested ICT applications but not limited to:

  • Quiz-maker
  • Animaker
  • Scratch Animation

Task - 3

In your day to day life you notice various incidents happening in the society around you which you think are not fit as per the laws of the Constitution of India. 

Enlist the maximum number of such incidents which you can think of.
  1. Map these incidents with the related constitutional provision and explain how the law is getting violated.
  2. Pose a solution for minimum 2 of the situations within the constitutional framework.
  3. Discuss your findings with your social science teacher
  4. Create a radio podcast as your own radio show where you will discuss your findings to make people of the country aware of these situations.


Login to ITE portal  and upload your Solution or Project by clicking here

(Make sure you select Subject as Social Science and topic as "Constitution of India")

Suggested ICT applications but not limited to:

 Task - 4 

Task 4

Consider yourself as a famous Radio Jockey(RJ) and you have got the opportunity to interview Dr. B.R Ambedkar on the theme “The Indian Constitution.” This interview will be part of a Radio podcast. You can use the following steps to create the radio podcast.

Step 1: Listen to some of the recording of Dr. Ambedkar from the past you can use the links in the resources and also search on your own.. 

Step 2: Prepare the questions and the probable answers, you can refer to the materials available on the internet (audios, videos, books, newspaper articles etc.) about Dr. Ambedkar’s thoughts and views with respect to the Indian Constitution. 

Step 3: Design the dialogue between you (the host) and Dr. Ambedkar 

Step 4: Record the audio for the podcast using some voice recorder application

Step 5: Use Audio editing application to make additions such as -jingles, advertisements etc. to complete the Radio podcast.


Some resources on Dr. Ambedkar: 

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MO4nKp6QX1Y - Interview  with BBC
  • 31 Dr. Ambedkar excellent speech presenting Constitution of India- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48W1T6Z4EF8 (Hindi version)
  • BIRTH OF INDIA: The Constituent Assembly Declares India as Sovereign Republic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2nvbULa8KAQ (English version)
  • Samvidhan Episode 2/10 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVz6qKbYBmE) 
  • Samvidhaan - Episode 4/10 (Condensed Version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuTKJ9vWzho
Login to ITE portal  and upload your Solution or Project by clicking here
(Make sure you select Subject as Social Science and topic as "Constitution of India")
Suggested ICT applications but not limited to:
  • Powerpoint / Zoho Show
  • Photostory
  • Kinemaster
    Scratch Animation


1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Energy_flow_(ecology)

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5XhbhqOL_c

3. https://www.encyclopedia.com/science/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/energy-transfer

 Task- 5

There has been disturbances in our neighbouring country and some people are taking refuge in India. A refugee family has been seeking a place of residence and one of the family members is searching for a source of employment. 

As a student, analyse your role in helping the individual get a place to stay. for the time being and also try to think about which articles are applicable on his family to acquire citizenship in the Indian context.

Step 1: Enquire about any document that is required for someone to prove his citizenship of India.

Step 2: Relate it to citizenship laws in India. 

Step 3: Explore the ways through which citizenship can be acquired in India as the provisions of Indian constitution.

Step 4: Find NGO’s who have been working out in similar field of expertise or providing relief fund and materials for the refugee families. 

Step 5: Create a Presentation or Photostory describing the entire process of the solution to help the refugee family. 

Mentioned below are some resources from which the students can get an idea regarding the citizenship status and how it is to be acquired. Students may add some more resources, if they find it in the Internet and design their presentation accordingly.



  • Methods of Acquiring and Losing of Citizenship under Indian Citizenship Act
  • (https://www.legalserviceindia.com/legal/article-3602-methods-of-acquiring-and-losing-of-citizenship-under-indiancitizenship-act.html)
  • PART II CITIZENSHIP (https://www.mea.gov.in/Images/pdf1/Part2.pdf)
  • Citizenship (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9fZhnAr00JQ

Login to ITE portal  and upload your Solution or Project by clicking here

(Make sure you select Subject as Social Science and topic as "Constitution of India")

Suggested ICT applications but not limited to:

  • Spreadsheet / Excel
  • Scratch Animation
  • Powerpoint / Zoho Show
  • Canva
  • Animaker

Task - 6

Two students named Manish and Anisha are discussing a situation when Manish becomes a Prime Minister. Manish said that if I become the Prime Minister I will make the following laws:

  1. No one will be allowed to use any surname of their choice. Surnames will be decided by their caste only. 
  2. I will run more welfare schemes for the poor. 
  3. People with a dark colour complexion will not be allowed to enter the film industry. 

Is Manish right? Can he make these laws? Justify your answer and represent the situation using an animated video.

Login to ITE portal  and upload your  Project by clicking here

Learn how to upload

(Make sure you select Subject as Social Science and topic as "Constitution of India")

Suggested ICT applications but not limited to:

  • Spreadsheet / Excel
  • Scratch Animation
  • Powerpoint / Zoho Show
  • Canva
  • Animaker